


Launch your favorite token


Create your own ERC-20 Token with balanced and fair Uniswap V3 curve

The full name of your new token (e.g. Ethereum)

The shorthand symbol (e.g. ETH)

Min 0.01 Max 1 quadrillion


The Starting Market Cap for token (no need to provide ETH with this because it's on Uniswap V3).


The upper limit of the liquidity position, having smaller numbers means the liquidity will be denser meaning more ETH will be required to move the price, larger number spread out the liquidity more and it starts to behave like a V2 Uniswap position.

Default: 100000000

Have a portion of the LP sent directly to your wallet instead of being locked in the contract permanently (you can still collects fees from the locked LP though)

ETH to be sent with the deployment which is used to instantly buy the token before sniper/bots get a chance

Max: 0.2 ETH

Enforce a maximum transfer limit per transaction for a period of time at launch (leaving this blank or setting this to 0 means no limit)

How many minutes to apply the transfer limit for( leaving this blank or setting it to 0 means the limit is disabled).

Max: 24 hours (1,440 minutes)